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Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013

China Phone handsfree mark solutions

China Phone handsfree mark solutions - with the rapid development of today's technology we must enrich our knowledge of gadgets, because every day there are many new gadgets that are made with advantages, in blogs Stephanie News we will meriview many gadgets from various brands ranging from the specification and its price .. Now we will discuss first about China Phone handsfree mark solutions please see our explanation to finish:

Articles : China Phone handsfree mark solutions
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China Phone handsfree mark solutions

This page will be helpful for understanding about faults of Chinese phones (  Do, Alcatel, Alfatel ,Micromax, Forme, CCIT, Bird, H1 model ,E-tel ,ZTE...Etc) which are comes with charging port, Data port, Handsfree port. you must read this page step by step and then you w'l be get a real idea about that faults.  


  • Hands-free mode

    handsfree mark




  • If you cant make a call without handsfree not only that but also if  your phone ringer is not worked please check the display. some times you can see handsfree mark ( please check this image) on your display.Firstly you must connect the handsfree and check your ringer is worked correctly. If its work then you can repair your phone step by step. This is a common fault which is come with our mistakes.



    • what are the reasons for this fault.

      water damage 

      dust  promiscuous with charging port and their components. 

      sort circuit ( because of high voltage , damage circuit)

    • How we can solve this fault.

charging port
    • first you can connect hands-free again and disconnect it.

      If its not solved then you can service charging port or hands-free port ( some Chinese phones have only one port as a charging port , hands free port, data port. If it have two or three port you must service only hands-free port) using suitable equipment (you can refer  how you can service your phone correctly). specially this step you don't want to disassemble your phone.

        Attention: After the service charging port , If your phone is not power on with Battery you must service charging port again. then definitely phone will be power on.

        If its not solved disassemble your phone step by safely.please use suitable tool kit for doing this job well. After the disassemble your phone then service charging port and around the charging or data port. ( if you can check the circuit board before the service it will be helpful for identify this faults, when you check the circuit board if you see disconnected or slip any components then you can replace those parts correctly and after you can service circuit board )

        Fault is same as previous  you have a good knowledge about electronic check the charging way , handsfree way and data port way correctly. Then if you have found some fault of that ways try to fix it using suitable method (replace , remove or jumper)


      Finally if you couldn't fix this fault you must have to replace Charging or data port.    ( some Chinese phones have only one port as a charging port , hands free port, data port. If it have two or three port you must service only hands-free port)

     When you replace a new charging pin or USB data pin this video will be helpful.